9 months!!!! Can you believe it?? Wyatt is growing up before all our eyes!! We just did his 9 month session on Saturday. We had planned an indoor session, but when we woke up to 5-6 inches of new snow that morning, we decided to do some outdoor shots as well!!
Daddy's little pilot. "Stafford Control, this is the Blue plane. Can you please tell the Red, Green and Yellow ones to get out of my way? Over."
Left: Aunt Stacey's little apprentice. Right: "Look Mom, NO HANDS!!"
My personal favorite. Tex Junior. Auntie Ash, are you proud??? :-)
Left: Complete cuteness. Look at those toesies! Middle: "Howdy, little lady" Right: More snow fun with Mom and Dad!!
Oh Stacey, those are adorable! Honestly with that subject how could they not be, but honestly, just precious!!!!!
AAHHHH!!! TEX JUNIOR!!! That is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Auntie Ash couldn't be more proud!!!!
Stacey the pictures are FANTASTIC!!! We had so much fun - I can't believe how much Wyatt smiled and laughed at his Stacey. He really loves you!!!
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