Thanks for stopping by! We are Will & Stacey, the husband and wife wedding and engagement photography team based out of glorious Denver, Colorado. We specialize in mountain weddings across the globe and are available for travel. On this blog, you will find photos of our amazing couples as they begin their lives together as husband and wife. You'll also find stories about us, our adventures, and our thoughts on love and marriage. We hope you enjoy and we look forward to hearing from you (yes, please leave your comments!).

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sooooooooo exciting!!

Hi all! Many apologies for my absence the last week and a half. All is well in our world!! Late this afternoon, Will and I decided to take the girls for a hike. They get SOOOOO excited when it's time to go for a hike....especially Kelsee......

Sorry this video is sideways, I couldn't figure out how to rotate it. Tilt your head to the right and you'll get the point!! :-)

And a few pictures followed. I should know better than to try and take pictures AFTER we get them all hyped up!! (I'll be the parent who gives my kids a candy bar right before church service and then wonder why they wouldn't sit still!! Hahaha!!)

Have a wonderful week! :-)

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Anonymous said... 1

Yes! You're back! LOVE the pics and miss the girls!

Anonymous said... 2

YES!!!!! That is so great. Hillarious. I love those little poos. Can you fly them down with you at the end of the year?

AshleyR said... 3

That last pictures is HILARIOUS!!! I've never seen Bailey look so ferocious!!!