We had such a great weekend! The weather was just amazing and begged for us to spend as much time outside as possible...so we obliged.
We took the girls to a dog park that has an agility course. A first for all of us. Bailey really got into the weaving. It could have been the delicious treats that Will was leading her with, but she did really great! When Kelsee was given the same opportunity with the same treat as her reward, she opted to go play with other doggies. We all have our talents, I suppose. :-)

LEFT: Bailey did the teeter totter great...the first time. Apparently the loud noise when it hit the ground on the other side was a little scary because she never wanted to try it again.
CENTER: Kelsee rockin' out the bridge. Whew, that's a tough one! ;-)
RIGHT: Bailey contemplating whether or not the treat that is in the middle of the tunnel is worth climbing in there for. It took some coaxing, but she finally conquered the tunnel. Kelsee....again, not so interested. When I would hold a treat out for her, she would just run to me on the outside of the tunnel. Not exactly what we were going for.

After church on Sunday, we tried out a new hike. It was gorgeous and we had a great time!

Yet another (but different) dog park adventure. Da Na Na Na Da Da....SUPER DOGS! Hilarious...I love their ears and Kelsee's tail. :-)

Just down the road from our house is a huge herd of buffalo. The baby buffalo were born about a month or so ago, so I really wanted to take some pictures of these cuties before they got too big. It was so hilarious to watch them running and stumbling all over each other as they played.

....and yesterday we bought a lawn mower. Does that mean we're officially grown-ups?? :-) The girls played outside and relaxed in the shade while Will mowed and I cleaned up the yard. What a life they have!

Will and I are so grateful and filled with joy living everyday in this amazing country of ours. We know so well the great sacrifice that men and women of our Armed Forces have given so that we can have these daily pleasures and freedoms. THANK YOU to those who have given the sacrifice of life and also to those who previously served and those who continue to serve today.