Happy Monday to you all! The hubby and I had a great weekend and were blessed with gorgeous weather as the cherry on top. Probably the most exciting part of our weekend is that we've finally found an amazing church that we just love!! You can check out their website by clicking HERE if you are interested. Yesterday afternoon, my friend Joy and her family invited us to join them for a short hike and a picnic. Hmmm......hiking.......food........of course you can count us in!! ;-)
Not too shabby of a view for a picnic, huh!?
Not too shabby of a view for a picnic, huh!?

Joy and Dave's adorable daughter, Amanda. Her personality and sense of humor are equally as cute as she is!!!

On our way home, this HUGE guy was just hangin' out alongside the road, eating some grass. My husband knows me so well that as I scrambled to grab my camera in the backseat, he was pulling off to the side of the road. We both jumped out and just watched this guy for a while. Amazing creature, isn't he!!??