We made it and Will and I are now official Coloradans!! We are loving it out here and having a great time learning the area and getting our house all set up. I have to admit that I was really terrible at taking pictures on our journey to get out here. I did take a few, however, so here's a little photo essay of the past couple weeks.....
Our first stop was to visit my family in Illinois. Although it was a short visit, it was so wonderful to spend time with my parents and my Grandma.
Left: Me with my Grandma Green and my Dad
Right: Bailey LOVES my Dad and likes to follow him anywhere he goes. Not sure how she did it, but Bailey convinced my Mom to let her up on the couch to rest next to Grandpa. For any of you who know my Mom well, you understand how shocking this is!! :-)

While we were at my parent's house, my cousin Jen and her family stopped by to see us. Jen and I were like sisters growing up and I love her so much. Her daughters are absolutely ADORABLE and they definitely have their Mama's feisty personality!!
I love this picture of Zoey and Jen -- so cute how they are looking at each other exactly the same way. Like mother, like daughter!

Left: Jen's youngest daughter, Tessa. Holy cow, SOOOO sweet!!
Center: Chad, Tasha and Lola made the trip up here to visit us in Denver. Words cannot express how much I love this little girl. She is nothing short of precious.
Right: Lola. Those eyes....I just can't get enough.

Bailey is pretty sure that Lola is her bestest friend (next to Kelsee, of course)! She wanted to be right with Lola all the time. The left picture is so funny. I told Bailey to "Stay" -- she is such a good girl and she stayed like that for so long that her leg up in the air was shaking.

Will, Chad and Tasha working so hard on house renovations. Will and I were so blessed by all the work that Chad and Tasha helped us with. THANK YOU so much, Chad and Tasha!!!

Me? Well, someone had to accompany Lola during her naps!!!!

Left: Is there anything more precious than a sleeping baby? Nope, nothing!
Right: Is there anything cuter than a baby after a bath? Nope, nothing!

Be still my heart. Don't think those cheeks didn't get a TON of Aunt Stacey kisses!!

Hopefully I will be able to keep the blog updated now that we're getting settled. Happy Easter to you all!